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Practical Projects Preparation

The mechanic practical test (General, Airframe, and Powerplant) includes a random sampling of the subject areas in the testing standard. To perform well on the practical projects exam, it's important to incorporate your past experience and skills to the fullest extent. Familiarize yourself with FAA publications to accurately identify the projects listed in the exam.

The practical test consists of the following number of practical projects:

  • General – 9
  • Airframe – 11
  • Powerplant – 11

Additionally, each practical project consists of a skill demonstration and two oral practical questions, related to the project.

The practical test is passed when the applicant satisfactorily demonstrates 70% of the practical projects tested.

If you can answer the following sample questions, complete the practical projects and know how they relate to other questions, answers and projects in the the subject area, you should be ready to complete the exam.


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